Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Harsh Reality According To Cerutty

Following Cerutty's theme of being a free, independent thinker, consider the following:
"I have said it and I repeat it, the hardest, and most painful thing that anyone can do is--to think: to become self-sufficient: to know for oneself: to be independent of others: self-reliant: a leader and a champion.
It is equally true that many do not want to be self-reliant, to be leaders. They are content to follow, to adopt anyone's schedules or ideas, to let anyone think for them--no matter where it may lead or how hopeless the outcomes."

Cerutty always talked and wrote about the potential of a certain amount of "aloneness" for those who might choose to be an independent thinker.
Yes, at times it may take a degree of courage but it is ultimately the way to being completely content with yourself as a person.
Most of the world--chooses to follow--that is them, it doesn't have to be you.

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