Thursday, February 15, 2018

Cerutty's Outline For Living

What follows is an outline by Cerutty for successful living and longevity. Unique, and in my opinion correct, this "outline" should give pause for everyone to consider.

His plan encompassed six components:

"1.The assumption of full responsibility for oneself and one's antics, responsibility that does not need a destiny, fate, hereditary, gods, rewards or punishments as an excuse to bolster it up.

2.The full acceptance that the present is the important thing and that there is only one life and that one is of it and in it now.

3.That without strength, efficient organs, intelligence and an absence of secret fears man is only a parody, and for him life cannot be fully lived. He does not dominate his environment, it is the environment that dominates him. Only the mentally free and the physically strong can live this type of life to the full. Nature ordains it this way. Nature favors the fit. In the ultimate only the intelligent survive.

4.To live fully, not only must the body be fit, but the sense of frustration and disillusionment must not develop. Life should open up as an ever expanding progress.

5.That the identification with all natural things, no matter how comprehensive, is a sine qua non(am essential condition) for living. All that hampers such an approach is bad; all that assists to that end is good. Correct living can be judged only by action and motive.

6.Simply that the matter rests upon the ability to so mould and build up the body and the mind that all the customarily demanded can be ignored. When this is extended to all medical, spiritual and social props then we have a true individual who incorporates within himself the ability to live a full life. Three key words to attain this ubiquitous state are: Understanding ,Reflection and Action."

Some thoughts on the above:
In harmony with nature we build our bodies and minds. Independence and self accountability are keys to the process of evolving into becoming what Cerutty believes is the ideal man(woman).
I really like the three key words he uses in connection with reaching this ideal state--Understanding, Reflection and Action. As I have said before, he would have had nothing but scorn for the "dumb jock" or athlete who refuses to think, learn and study.

Cerutty was about so much more than being a good runner. Most miss this because they haven't read his books and writings.

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