Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Stotanism, It's More than Sand Dunes and Raw Oats, pt.1

 I have written on this subject before but every now and then something happens or I read an article that prompts me to clarify what Stotanism is.
I feel it is important to do this because the physical aspect is only one part of Stotanism. There is an equal part philosophical to go with the physical in being a Stotan. Maybe philosophical is not the correct word, perhaps a more correct phrase would be, a way of living.
Unquestionably, if you embrace only the physical, you will deprive yourself of a better way of looking at life and living.
 Cerutty was a voracious reader on a wide variety of subjects. I remember that in 2000 on Ebay someone was selling off much of his library for I believe $300. The comment about the books was that most were extensively underlined and filled with notations on the pages.The man read and studied intensely. It is my great regret that I didn't have the funds to make that purchase.

Cerutty believed that a Stotan should be well read and continually seeking to experience art, literature,philosophy and music.It is well documented that in the evening at his training camp in Portsea, Percy spoke to his young athletes on these subjects and more. The stereotype of the dumb athlete was something that Cerutty scorned.
So what is needed? Consider this quote:"Therefore it should be clear that the education of the mind and the philosophy of living fully must first be tackled."
And what if this aspect of living isn't learned? The answer could be a description of American males today: "They will find their outlets in work, clubs, moderate alcoholism and spectator sports." With over 50% of out population significantly overweight and the obsessive devotion to pro sports, Cerutty's words ring true.

More on the education of the mind: "The understanding of life:the education of the mind, both are essential. Then we are not content to let others fight for us, shoulder our responsibilities, die for us."

Philosophy? Try this: "Live in the ever present. Apportion some time: each day, each week, each year, to doing something that is disassociated from success, finance, earning and ambition"

For Percy Wells Cerutty it was as the Greeks he studied taught, it is, not was,  the development of the mind and body.

So in closing pt.1 of this series let me editorialize for a moment to you Stotans, Stotan wanna-be's and Stotan should be's. Some may read this and move on to their expensive cellphones where they will keep their heads buried most of the day. Others may "binge" watch their favorite series this evening or get lost in their all NFL access or Sports channels while the sad reality is that reading a book is something they haven't done since......?

Here is the message from the Man:"Life is not looking(being a spectator), or owning, it is in living,doing!"

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