Saturday, April 27, 2019

Our Incredible Bodies

The following is by Dr. Fred Hatfield. It describes the regeneration that occurs in our bodies daily. It really is astounding. We have the ability to 'upgrade' our body's condition by changing our lifestyle and paying attention to what we put into our bodies. Consider this:

"Although your body appears to be unchanging, it's always in a constant state of flux. Body protein is constantly being turned over as old cells die and new cells replace them. Science has proven that 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced within one year. In three months, your body produces an entirely new skeleton. Every six weeks, all the cells have been replaced in your liver. You have a new stomach lining every five days. Every month you produce an entirely new skin as dead cells are shed and new cells grow underneath. The proteins in your muscles are continually turned over as muscle is broken down and new tissue is synthesized. Every cell in your body is constantly being recycled. Where do all these new cells come from? These new cells come from the protein you consume every day."
Amazing isn't it? Let me leave you with this: In the past I have always said, and believe it to be true based on the studies and findings of trained experts, that there are fundamentals to everything, be it mathematics or athletic training, physiology or the nutritional needs of the body.
Our bodies have very specific needs as it applies to our intake and usage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This subject has been studied and researched by scientists and experts for decades. Their findings, although not as glamorous and fashionable as going 'raw,' vegan or whatever, is based on research. Research that has been done by people who have degrees and titles from actual accredited universities, not from some nebulous online, mail order 'universities'. Their research has been done by people who have no financial gain in what they discover.
I know I have written on this subject previously but I see millions of people going down a road nutritionally that will lead to premature aging and poor health. Our bodies can take a tremendous amount of abuse and neglect, but, there will come a time when you will pay the price for your ignorance or vanity.
I'll leave you with this from Dr. Hatfield and it relates, again, to the necessity of getting quality protein in order for our bodies to thrive. It also speaks to the deficiency that exists in most of today's most trendy diets.
"In order for protein synthesis to occur, an adequate supply of both essential and non-essential amino acids is vital. If one of the essential amino acids is missing, synthesis is halted. Any amino acids that are not used within a short time cannot be stored for future use. Restriction in protein intake will result in protein degradation and muscle breakdown (catabolism)."
Contrary to what appears to be a current trend, minimizing quality complete protein intake, especially for an athlete who trains and competes, is counter productive.


  1. Fred was a former world champion powerlifter(squatted 1014lbs at age 45), PHD, Coach, writer and more.
    I highly recommend you check out his Wikipedia page, very interesting.

  2. I found your post really useful and informative. Thanks for sharing this.
